Can you suggest me the best UDP Stream Player for LG Web OS TV for IPTV Application

We are developing our IPTV Application for our customers. Can you suggest me the best UDP Stream Player for LG Web OS TV for IPTV Application. We are using NSTV DRM for IPTV.

We cannot recommend specific 3rd party players. As you may know, webOS TV uses different web engines depending on the webOS version. So please check compatibility with the web engine first. Thank you.

We have reviewed your Streaming Protocols. We came to know that HTTP/HTTPS and Hls Protocols only its mentioned as the Streaming Protocols. We are using UDP Protocols for our content Streaming. Whether LG Webos TV App will support Live UDP Streaming Content in Web OS TV App Player. It will be more helpful to develop our application on better way. pls kindly do the needful.

Media and DRM formats that are unmentioned in Streaming Protocol and DRM are not supported or not recommended for use in the webOS TV platform. Sorry for not being helpful.