How can I make a http GET request

I am an iOS developer and new to webOS.

I want to make a LG webOS application that fetches json data from an endpoint.
How can I make a http GET request ?


The webOS TV app is web-based. (See Web Engine.) It’s not much different from general web app development. If you can run your app on a web browser, you can also run it on the webOS TV. This guide will help you to make an HTTP request to the server with JavaScript. Thank you.

Thanks for your answer.

You said “It’s not much different from general web app development”

So Can I use third party npm packages for ex : to send and receive data.

As we said above, if you can run your app on a web browser, you can also run it on the webOS TV. If you use node modules in your front end, you need to transpile them. So import axios using the script tag and test it. Thank you.

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