Ipk not installing in Emulator

webOS 6.0 uses Chromium 79. Please check if the app works on your PC Chrome 79 browser, and if the problem persists, please share the app as a .zip file at developer@lge.com. Thank you.

Still it is not working. I have mailed you the zip file

For security reasons, access to Google Drive is not allowed here. Please send the file as an attachment. Thank you.

While sending as attachment the Mail Delivery Subsystem is giving this error : For security reasons, Gmail does not allow you to use this type of file as it violates Google policy for executables and archives.

You could use another email. By the way, does your app work on the PC Chrome 79 browser? If not, please contact Angular support to check compatibility. Thank you.

My app is working fine in PC Chrome 79 browser. Problem in tv and emulator only

I have mailed you the zip file

As mentioned above, access to Google Drive is not allowed here. Please send the file as an attachment.

I couldn’t upload the file as attachment. This is the screen that comes while uploading the zip file
Screenshot 2024-04-04 105020

How about encrypting the .zip file with a password?

I tried encripting the .zip file with a password. It is showing the same security error

Please use another email. Thank you.

I encountered the same issue even when attempting to send the email from a different email account. The problem persists specifically with the polyfills.js and main.js files, which are generated during the build process of an Angular project.

Can you attach the file as .ipk?

The same error occurs while sending the ipk
Screenshot 2024-04-04 143251

If I share my GitHub link, will you be able to access it?

Yes, we can access it. Please email us. Thank you.

I have emailed the Git link.

To use the <script type="module">, you must serve the html file through a server due to JavaScript module security requirements. (See JavaScript modules.) Please try again with a hosted web app. And there are currently too many resources being loaded at start, especially .mp4 files. Please consider that TVs have lower specifications than PCs, and try reducing memory usage. Thank you.