Hi everybody. I am new to LG. I want to play a YouTube video from my app.
When I run my app in the Simulator (on Window 10) it telling me:
‘errorCode: -101, errorText: “The app was not found.”’
If I buy a LG TV, will I be able to launch YouTube ?
What is YouTube’s appId ?
It seems that no apps, beside my app, are installed within the simulator.
Here is the code I run:
var request = webOS.service.request('luna://com.webos.applicationManager', {
method: 'launch',
parameters: {
id: 'com.webos.app.browser',
params: {
url: 'https://see-a-movie.com/',
onSuccess: function (inResponse) {
console.log('The app is launched');
// To-Do something
onFailure: function (inError) {
console.log('Failed to launch the app');
console.log('[' + inError.errorCode + ']: ' + inError.errorText);
// To-Do something