Does work webOSDev.LGUDID for WebOS 3.0.x?
I tested on WebOS Emulator 3.0, but return error.
Does it work real WebOS 3.0.x TV?
Best Regards
Does work webOSDev.LGUDID for WebOS 3.0.x?
I tested on WebOS Emulator 3.0, but return error.
Does it work real WebOS 3.0.x TV?
Best Regards
The webOSTV.js is fully supported on webOS TV 4.0 and higher. And Device Unique ID API is not supported in the webOS TV Emulator. Thank you.
Hi again narae0.kim,
Thanks but this is not my answer.
I know the webOSTV.js is fully supported on webOSTV4.0 and higher.
My question is about webOS 3.0.x tvs. I dont have webOS 3.0.x tvs, I cant test it on real tv with webOS 3.0.x.
Following page says that
“Returns a device ID provided by the webOS TV ( LGUDID ) since webOS TV 3.0.”
is it possible or not?
Sorry for the confusion. Device Unique ID API is supported in the webOS TV 3.0 and higher, but not in the webOS TV Emulator 3.0. Please try with the webOS TV Emulator 4.0. Thank you.
Thank you narae0.kim