An error appears when i'm trying to install ipk file

Hello Everyone.
Like in the topic, I encountered an error when I’m installing the .ipk file:
ares-install ERR! Error: Command ‘/bin/rm -rf /media/developer/temp && /bin/mkdir -p /media/developer/temp’ exited with code=1 (signal: undefined).

My WebOS has 4.4.2.-10 version, webOS IDE build is 13.

Maybe it is stupid question, but I struggled with it all day long. For any answer thank You.

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Same error here.
Even if i log into ssh, i don’t have permission to delete this folder.
ares-shell is useless also, because can’t launch a terminal

Hello, all.
I saw the notice update after I logged in the developer mode on my TV.
It said that you have to update your CLI to v1.12.4.

The problem appears on Windows OS, on the Linux OS everything works fine.

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Please check again with the latest version of CLI. If the problem persists, please let us know. Thank you.

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I’m replaying on my first question, because I have an another. When I try to install webOS_CLI, the version of ares is 2.4.0, I think something went wrong on this step, am I correct?
The version should be different I think.

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It seems that you have installed the webOS OSE CLI. To use the webOS TV CLI, you must uninstall the webOS OSE CLI. Thank you.

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