Are the documented model year / Web OS version couplings reliable?

We need clarity on which year of TV ships with which Web OS version, so we can understand our market. We have used this table thus far: Web API and Web Engine | webOS TV Developer

However as it turns out, there are models such as this one which deviate from this table. This is a 2021 model running WebOS 4 instead of 6 for example: LG 32LM577BZUA.AUS: Support, Manuals, Warranty & More | LG USA Support

How many models do not confirm to the above table and how can we identify those? Are the ones that deviate, for a different market than home consumer?

Users can check this in the Settings > General > About This TV > TV Information > webOS TV version menu. And your app can get this using the sdkVersion property of the deviceInfo method in the webOSTV.js library. Thank you.

Thanks but I’m not talking about individual users or detection from an app, rather, whether a year of TV model is hard coupled* to a release of Web OS. Is this table that LG has provided, a reliable source of information when it comes to which years of TVs shipped with which Web OS?

* in other words…
Will a 2024 TV always ship with Web OS 24?
Will a 2023 TV always have shipped with Web OS 23?
Will a 2022 TV always have shipped with Web OS 22?
Will a 2021 TV always have shipped with Web OS 6?
Will a 2020 TV always have shipped with Web OS 5?
Will a 2018/2019 TV always have shipped with Web OS 4?
Will a 2016/2017 TV always have shipped with Web OS 3?

… or can a TV sold in 2021 still have shipped with Web OS 4, as appears to be the case with this one?

The reason for the question is that in terms of product support of an app, we’d like to be able to state that “the app will work on TVs sold in 20XX and later”.

The release year refers to the release year of each platform version, not the TV release year. For more questions about LG products, please contact LG customer service center in your region. Thank you.

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