I’m trying to design an app that has a service based using the template of the Hello World app. My question is how do I ensure that my service (and its associated method) can be called from the Luna bus? My target platform is a TV so I don’t know how relevant OSE is.
Please refer to JS Service Usage. Thank you.
Thanks. Turns out I wasn’t packaging correctly. Side note do you how to increase volume via the luna bus? It seems like
luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.audio/sendVol
should work but it doesn’t.
We do not guarantee the compatibility of webOS TV apps with webOS OSE resources. For webOS TV apps, please use webOS TV resources in this website only. Thank you.
What part is OSE? The luna-send command or the service-ID?
luna-send is a command-line tool for webOS OSE.