Simulator cannot call luna service

when I use webOS.service.request in my simluator webos_tv_24, I got this error. I am not sure what is wrong. But it works in the real TV. Can someone help me on this? Thanks so much.

webOS.service.request("luna://com.webos.service.applicationmanager", {
				method: "launch",
				parameters: params,
				onSuccess: function (response) {
						console.log("App launched successfully:", response);
				onFailure: function (error) {
						console.error("Failed to launch app:", error);

We do not guarantee the compatibility of webOS TV apps with webOS OSE resources. For webOS TV apps, please use webOS TV resources in this website only. Thank you.

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Thank you for replying this question.
I checked the webos TV Api. I encounter another problem.
I would like to launch another App. i.e. In App1 launch App2.
But seems I cannot get the params I was passing from App1.
The event.detail (events: webOSLaunch and webOSRelaunch) is undefined
webOSDev.launchParams() get a empty Object
This is the code

// in app1
function openApp2() {
			id: "",
			params: {
				contentTarget: "content_id=100030038",
			onSuccess: function () {
					console.log("App launched successfully");
			onFailure: function (err) {
					console.error("Failed to launch app", err);
// in app2
		function (inData) {
			console.log('webOSLaunch====', inData)
		function (inData) {
			console.log('webOSRelaunch====', inData)
			console.log('webOSDev.launchParams====', webOSDev.launchParams())
	); Could you help me on this? Thanks

Please check again with webOSTV.JS Library sample app(com.sample.launchparams). Thank you.