How can I get http url from the clipboard?

I developed a link share program with ReactNative, Java and C# (ClipboardShareApp). I’d like write another with WebOS 23.
I tried working with a service and websocket server. When I post a link to websocket I launch a with params target. But how can I do it another direction? How can I copy clipboard content to send an url back to a requester ower websocket?

How should I do this?

Example code:

service.register("wsstart", function (message) {
	console.log("In ws/start callback");
	wsServer = new ws.Server({ port: 3000 });
	wsServer.on("connection", function (ws) {
		ws.on("message", function (message) {
			console.log("received: %s", message);
			ws.send("echo: " + message);
			if (message.toString().startsWith("https://")) {
						id: "",
						params: {
							target: message,
					function (response) {
							"Response from launch" +
						console.log("Response from launch", response.payload);
		returnValue: true,
		message: "Websocket server started",

Is there any clipboard function in my WebOS 23 TV?

In webOS TV apps, webview and multi-window features are not supported. There is no way to return to the app. And please do not run a websocket server on your TV. You should run it on your server and use the TV as a client only. Thank you.

Ok, thank you. The clipboard is userfull function IMHO. Why don’t LG develope it?
In a service I made a mqtt client, but service restarts every few seconds after connection.
Why does it?

As we mentioned above, please do not run a websocket server on your TV. You should run it on your server and use the TV as a client only. Thank you.

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