Image not loading in LG

After the build run, the static file is not reading the image URL correctly. As there is a dot (.) required at front of the URL. Since the images are not loading in LG webosTv.

I am using React framework for my Web Application.

Is there any solution for this ?

We are not sure exactly what problem you are getting. Please let us know more about the problem. Thank you.

I have created a web app application using react framework. Images are not loading in LG tv app.

Have installed the application in LG using the below guide

I had my image files in the below location
src → assets → images → (list of images)

Once build run I had the images in the below location
Build → static → media → (list of images)

I the debug mode, when I add a dot for image location, location to static folder. The image is getting showen.

Please check where your index.html file is located. The path to each asset should be specified relative to the index.html file. You can refer to App Resources and Luna Service sample app. Thank you.

Thank you ! Its working :star_struck:

Hello Harshini,
could you explain better how did you solve the issue? I’m facing the same error, assets and fonts are not loaded while testing the *.ipk app on real LG Tv