Manage TV configuration


I have a fleet of 50 LG TVs, on which I want to propagate configuration parameters (volume, activation of sources…).

How can I do this via API or other? Is there something planned for that? They are all on the same network and accessible from a server.

I wish you a good day.

We proivde Audio API, but the webOS TV is a consumer TV and is inappropriate for the purpose of displaying. If you need that feature, please consider LG commercial display. There are 2 types: webOS Signage and Pro:Centric. Thank you.

Thanks. They are ProCentric TV. I think I need to use idcap API but I don’t know how and I does not found detail for this.

This forum is only for webOS TV apps. If your app is for LG Pro:Centric, please contact Pro:Centric Developer Support at Thank you.