Secured Websocket connection issue

Hi, I am trying to connect to an LG TV secure websocket, but I am getting an SSLHandshakeException indicating that the server certificate is not trusted. Where can I obtain the root certificate to validate the certificate chain during the connection?

Please refer to TLS and Root Certificates. Thank you.

I’m encountering an SSL error even after installing all the certificates provided by the webOS TV Developer console: Trust anchor for certification path not found.

Here are the issuer and subject details from the certificate chain:

Issuer: C=KR, ST=Seoul, L=Seoul, O=LG Electronics Inc., OU=HE Laboratory, CN=LG webOS TV Root CA/
Subject: C=KR, ST=Seoul, O=LG Electronics Inc., OU=HE Lab., CN=LGE SSG Intermediate CA
Issuer: C=KR, ST=Seoul, O=LG Electronics Inc., OU=HE Lab., CN=LGE SSG Intermediate CA
Subject: C=KR, ST=Seoul, O=LG Electronics Inc., OU=HE Lab., CN=LGE TV SSG

It seems the intermediate certificate is signed by the root certificate LG webOS TV Root CA/, but I cannot find this root certificate in the list provided in the console. How can I resolve this issue?

You don’t need to install any files. Trusted root certificates are already installed on the TV. And the TV only accepts certificates of which the root is one of the trusted root certificates. If the root of your certificate does not exist in the list of trusted root certificates of the TV, you cannot use it. Thank you.