Hello narae0.kim,
thank you for looking into this issue. It looks like you have installed the Jellyfin client app on your TV. That’s good, but unfortunately not sufficient to reproduce the issue.
You also need a corresponding server instance, the Jellyfin server, to connect your client to. The media content is supposed to be hosted on the Jellyfin server. You can then connect your client to the server, browse the content and have the server stream it to the Jellyfin client on the TV.
Unfortunately though, I cannot provide you a link to a Jellyfin server. Those servers are build for use in intranet within a home and are not necessarily very secure and hardened. That is why these servers are typically not exposed to the internet and blocked by the firewalls.
So, in order to check this issue, you’d need to set up your own Jellyfin server instance first. You can find instructions how to do that here.
Once you have done that, having suitable test content is not a problem. At the end of this post I will provide a list of content that can be used to reliably reproduce the issue.
But before I go into explaining how to reproduce the issue, let me say that we have gained a little bit more insight into it by now. Unlike the title of this thread says, it turns out that playing Dolby Vision content is not the actual cause. Even though the issue does happen when playing Dolby Vision content, it is not just limited to it. After more investigation we now know that the stereo-only issue happens whenever the native HLS interface is used. It is not depending on the content at all. It happens for all kinds of content no matter the resolution, no matter if SDR or HDR, no matter the audio format. The only relevance is whether or not the HLS interface is used by the Jellyfin client. And the HLS interface is used by Jellyfin whenever it cannot “direct play” the content as-is without any adaptation. In such an adaptation case the Jellyfin server needs to either remux or transcode the content in order to make it consumable by the client. In both cases, remuxing and transcoding, the Jellyfin client is receiving an HLS stream that it is passing to the native HLS interface for rendering. And in any of those cases the stereo-only issue occurs. This is why there is now a wide believe that the issue is with the HLS implementation of WebOS.
Now, in order to reproduce the issue I focus on 2 methods:
- The original DV-in-MKV usecase:
Play some DV profile 5 content with any multi channel audio that is inside a Matroska container. Dolby Vision in MKV containers is not supported by WebOS. Playing such content on the Jellyfin client will trigger remuxing by the Jellyfin server in order to make the content consumable. Doing so the video and audio streams remain untouched and are merely on-the-fly repackaged into a fragmented MP4 container (needs “User settings” > “Playback” > “Prefer fMP4-HLS Media Container” enabled on the client). On my LG G4 the video content plays fine and is recognized as DV (toaster is displayed), but the audio is stereo only.
- Forced transcoding usecase:
In this usecase we create an artificial resource limitation on the Jellyfin client to force the Jellyfin server into transcoding the video content (Note: we do not touch the audio content!).
There are different options to set such an limitation up. I like to limit the client resolution to 720p. This can be configured on the Jellyfin client in “User settings” > “Playback” by setting “Maximum Allowed Video Transcoding Resolution” to “720p” and enabling the “Limit maximum supported video resolution” checkbox. Now, if I play any of the below listed demo content, which is intentionally in full HD or better, then transcoding will occur and the stereo-only issue happens.
Demonstration content
The below content is from the internet archive at https://archive.org/details/2024-home-theater-demos.
It is mainly showcase trailers from Dobly, DTS and LG. I consider it public domain and free to use. If this is not the case or against any policy, then please feel free to remove them.
EDIT: Since I can only put 2 links in a post, I’ll try to split this post up