So this is an odd one.
Building out a proof of concept for a geometry streaming app. There isn’t really a lot I can share here as the app itself is barebones -
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script>window.location.href='URL OF PROJECT CANNOT SHARE PUBLICLY YET';</script>
I’ll share the link if it’s a last resort thing - but for now it’s a bit NDA’d up.
My issue is that the URL works flawlessly in the native WebOS browser, loads fully, all that jazz.
In the WebApp it loads to 100% then soft crashes and the TV resets after freezing.
THere is nothing I can glean from anything. The crash doesn’t sent anything, and I can’t figure it out.
I’ve been looking to se what WebOS apps have that is different from the wEbOS browser and I can’t find anything. Does anyone have a place for me to start? I’m guessing Apps are more limited in space they can use, maybe they need to specify things the native app gets by default? Anything?