While running the emulator, there is a prompt error which is telling like

no java virtual machine was found after searching the following locations:\n…\Resources\Jre\bin\javaw.exe\ this application requires a java runtime environment, java jdk and jre installed properly in my c drive in programs in java directory, can you help me please? Thanks

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Please make sure the JDK and JRE environment variables are set correctly. Thank you.


Thanks for the response @narae0.kim , yes jdk and jre installed correctly, because of this error, i have uninstalled and installed jdk and jre multiple times but and also given the path correctly in system environment variables still when i run the webos emulator it is throwing the same error in the prompt saying that
no java virtual machine was found after searching the following locations:n..\Resources\Jre\bin\javaw.exe\n This application runs a java runtime environment

even i have check the it is installed or not with java -version and it is installed but still i am encountering the same issue can you please help me? Thanks
Screenshot 2023-08-25 123253

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Hi Saibhanu,

I faced the same issue. The emulator is not looking for java files in system. The emulator is looking for java files in resource folder which we need to download and place in same directory. Make sure you are downloading the resource files and keeping it at location specified in the installation manual.

The ‘LG_WEBOS_TV_SDK_HOME’ is not the folder name it is PATH variable name which points to directory where WebOS files needs to be. Read step 3 of installation manual for more clarification. In windows the directory is usually c:\webOS_TV_SDK

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