Cookie & SameSite & Strict

When I store the cookie, I add the SameSite value as Strict. However, when sending a request recently, the cookie with the SameSite value of Strict will not be carried. There didn’t seem to be any problems before. Has any recent version modified the strict matching rules?

We are not sure how much earlier you mean by “before”. But according to Google, there are some changes since Chrome 80. And currently, webOS TV 22 and 23 use a higher version of the web engine than Chrome 80. Thank you.

One of the devices with this problem is the LG TV LM630BPTB. As far as we know, the browser version currently used by this device should be Chrome 53. However, browsers higher than Chrome 80 seem to rarely see this problem.
We don’t know exactly when this problem occurred. We only discovered this problem recently, and we’re not sure whether it existed before.

Is your app a hosted web app? How do you set the cookie? Can you share a sample?

These cookie contents are set via the response header Set-Cookie attribute when sending a network request

Please let us know your app URL and the request URL at Thank you.