Creating game on webos

Hi webos family,
I want to create games for webos, how can i proceed so that game will run on low resource but give high performance, i want to build a racing game, how can i do ?

You can use webOS TV Motion Sensor API. Please refer to Motion Sensor Overview. Thank you.

thanks for reply, but i want to create games which works for webos 6 and onwards, like cutthe rope and other games,
which is not depend on the motion sensor,
and how to pack the webapps as sometimes it is showing error cannot minify the apps,

In webOS TV apps, the path to each resource should be specified relative to the index.html file. For this, you can refer to App Resources and Luna Service sample app. If the problem persists, please try again as hosted web app. Thank you.

do you have any games resources github link which works well on lgtv webos 22 , so that i can take reference?
or any application?
also is it good to make with html, js or use enact?

App implementation is basically up to you. And all the samples we provide can be found here. Thank you.

ares-package ERR! [Tips]: Failed to minify code. Please check the source code </home/harshjeet/Music/WEBOS_COLLECTION/games/logic/gamelogic.js>

when i run ares package . it is showing this error,
pls help

Please try again using the ares-package -n command. Thank you.

okay thanks… working

can you please give some code reference so that my game will be optimized for any tv screen, any code logic or and method how to implement ?

Please refer to Supported App Resolution. Thank you.