Hi there!
I created for a current company project a module definition for the webOS API. I would love to contribute but I couldn’t find any official repository for webOS, so I am dropping here the typing for anyone to enjoy it
/** All the data has been extracted from https://webostv.developer.lge.com/develop/references/webostvjs-webos#webos-api */
declare global {
interface Window {
/** The webOS API provides methods for retrieving TV-specific information and settings.
* Methods of this API is compatible with methods of the webOS.js library used on the previous versions of webOS TV. */
webOS: {
/** Holds properties representing the build version of the webOSTV.js library.
* for example 1.2.4 */
libVersion: string;
/** Holds properties representing the platform identification of webOS variants.
* for example { tv: true, chrome: 87 } */
platform: 'unknown' | { tv: boolean; chrome?: number };
/** Returns the device-specific information. */
deviceInfo: {
/** The model name of the device in UTF-8 format. */
modelName: string;
/** The full name of TV SW version.
* You can check the value in the software version of the TV Settings menu. */
version: string;
/** The subset of TV SW version: Major version number. */
versionMajor: number;
/** The subset of TV SW version: Minor version number. */
versionMinor: number;
/** The subset of TV SW version: Revision version number. */
versionDot: number;
/** The webOS TV SDK version in X.X.X format. *
* You can check the value in the webOS TV version of the TV Settings menu. */
sdkVersion: string;
/** The screen width in pixels for video playback.
* For the app resolution (width) for graphics display, use window.innerWidth. */
screenWidth: number;
/** The screen height in pixels for video playback.
* For the app resolution (height) for graphics display, use window.innerHeight. */
screenHeight: number;
/** Indicates whether the device supports Ultra HD resolution. */
uhd: boolean;
/** Indicates whether the device supports 8K UHD resolution. */
uhd8K: boolean;
/** Indicates whether the display type of device is OLED or not. */
oled: boolean;
/** The size of DDR DRAM in Bytes. For example, if the size of DDR DRAM is 3G, the return value is '3G'. */
ddrSize: boolean;
/** Indicate whether the device supports HDR10. */
hdr10: boolean;
/** Indicate whether the device supports Dolby Vision. */
dolbyVision: boolean;
/** Indicate whether the device supports Dolby Atmos. */
dolbyAtmos: boolean;
/** Returns the app ID of the caller app.
* For example "com.onair.app" */
fetchAppId: () => string;
/** Returns the appinfo.json data of the caller app with a cache saved to webOS.appInfo. */
fetchAppInfo: () => unknown;
/** Returns the full URI path of the caller app.
* for example "file:///Users/admin/projects/onair_frontend-rn/web/build/" */
fetchAppRootPath: () => string;
/** Emulates the back key of the remote controller to move backward 1 level. */
platformBack: () => void;
/** Returns the system-specific information.
* for example: { country: "ESP", smartServiceCountry: "ESP", timezone: "CET" } */
systemInfo?: {
/** The country that TV broadcasts. If the value does not exist, undefined is returned */
country?: string;
/** The country where the Smart service is provided. If the value does not exist, undefined is returned. */
smartServiceCountry?: string;
/** The time zone that TV broadcasts. If the value does not exist, undefined is returned. */
timezone?: string;
/** Indicates whether the virtual keyboard is displayed or hidden. */
keyboard: { isShowing: () => boolean };
/** Creates and sends a service request to the system of the webOS TV. */
service: {
request: (
/** The service URI.
* It accepts the normal service URI format, as well as the extended format with the service method included. */
uri: string,
/** eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prevent-abbreviations */
parameter?: {
/** The service method being called. */
method?: string;
/** The JSON object of the request parameters to send. */
parameters?: unknown;
/** Indicates whether a subscription is desired for this request. */
subscribe?: boolean;
/** Indicates whether the request should resubscribe after a failure has occurred. */
resubscribe?: boolean;
/** The callback function called when the method succeeds. */
onSuccess?: () => void;
/** The callback function called when the method fails. */
onFailure?: () => void;
/** The callback function called when a request is complete (regardless of success or failure). */
onComplete?: () => void;
) => {
/** Resulting request object. This object can be used to cancel subscriptions. */
requestObject: {
/** The full-service request URI, including method name. */
uri: string;
/** The JSON object of the request parameters to send. */
params: unknown;
/** Indicates whether a subscription is desired for this request. */
subscribe: boolean;
/** Indicates whether the request should resubscribe after a failure has occurred. */
resubscribe: boolean;
/** The callback function called when the method succeeds. */
onSuccess: () => void;
/** The callback function called when the method fails. */
onFailure: () => void;
/** The callback function called when a request is complete (regardless of success or failure). */
onComplete: () => void;
/** Sends the request. It is automatically called on creation. No argument is required. */
send: () => void;
/** Cancels the service request and any associated subscription. No argument is required. */
cancel: () => void;
/** The JSON object containing the service's response data; either one of proper response data or error details. */
response?: unknown;
/** The JSON object containing the service's error details. */
error?: unknown;
Edit: I just found that it’s properly typed over here