How to open app page on content store


How to open the specific app page( like youtube) on LG content store from another app.

Scenario is, when a user tries to open one app( eg. youtube ) from another( eg. SampleApp ), and if the other app( Sample app ) is not installed, then how to make user launch the other app page on app store/content store, so that the user can install the app.


Unfortunately, no API to link to a specific app install page in the store is currently provided; you should guide your customers to install the app by themselves. Sorry for not being helpful.

try to follow informations on this page

You should be able to launch the App Store content an pass a specific app id to show
void launchAppStore (String appId, AppLaunchListener listener)

Launch the device’s app store app, optionally deep-linked to a specific app’s page.

Related capabilities:

  • Launcher.AppStore
  • Launcher.AppStore.Params


  • appId – (optional) ID of the application to show in the app store
  • listener – (optional) AppLaunchListener with methods to be called on success or failure
getLauncher().launchAppStore(appId, new AppLaunchListener() {

                    public void onError(ServiceCommandError error) {
                        Log.d("LG", "App Store failed: " + error);

                    public void onSuccess(LaunchSession object) {
                        Log.d("LG", "App Store launched!");

                        appStoreSession = object;