Is it possible to integrate an external app from our app?

I would like to launch an app that is already installed in the LG smart TV app. If the app is already installed else it should open the LG store for installing the required app. For example,

I have an App ‘A’ in this app I have some deeplink that will allow us to open the Netflix and stream the content. So when that deeplink card is clicked from the App ‘A’ then it should open Netflix app if it is installed earlier else should open the LG store and show the install option for the user to install Netflix app.

Once user is navigated to Netflix from App ‘A’ and when he click back button in the remote it should navigate to the App ‘A’ from which the user was navigated to Netflix.

Would like to know is this scenario possible to implement in the LG smart TV if so can you please provide the required documentation which will be so helpful for the implementation of this scenario.

NOTE: App is still in development stage.

Thank you.

You can launch another app with Application Manager API. However, it needs an app ID of the target app. As the app ID is generally not open to the public, you can only use this API for your apps or apps that you cooperated. And unfortunately, no API to link to a specific app install page in the store is currently provided. Therefore, if the target app doesn’t exist, you should guide your customers to install the app by themselves. Thank you.