Playing ads on a LG Smart TV web application


I’m trying to play ads in my OTT application and it seems the TV isn’t able to play them. The TV in questions is: 43UK6470PLC.

I’ve tried providing different ad URLs to the player, so I could test different standards of XML documents for ads, VAST and VMAP, but none has worked. These are the URLs I’ve used:

VAST Single inline linear:

VMAP Pre-roll:

Additionally, I’ve found information on Google IMA sdk website, stating that I should contact my account manager to learn more about LG TV support for ads.

Final thing to note is that both VAST and VMAP sample ads I’ve provided are working fine when I run the aformentioned OTT application in a web browser. The problem seems to be confined only to TV devices.

With regards,

We cannot check 3rd party solution issues. Please contact Google IMA SDK support. Thank you.