We do not guarantee the compatibility of webOS TV apps with webOS OSE resources. For webOS TV apps, please use webOS TV resources in this website only. In this case, please try WAI-ARIA. To use ARIA tag in your app, you should set the supportsAudioGuidance property to true in the appinfo.json. Thank you.
The ARIA tag is supported on webOS TV 3.0 or higher. Please check your webOS TV version. If the problem persists, please share your sample app and the following information at developer@lge.com.
TV model name: (You can check this in the Settings > General > About This TV menu.)
TV software version:
webOS TV version: (You can check this in the About This TV > TV Information menu.)
And is there a way to completely override the default screen reader to read what is set in the aria-live region or what is passed to window.speechSynthesis.speak()?
The screen reader on webOS TV speaks completely different speech than the VoiceOver screen reader on a macbook, which honors the aria-live region and window.speechSynthesis.speak().
webOS TV supports standard web APIs. Please follow the WAI-ARIA specs. And if the problem persists, please share a sample app that we can reproduce the issue and check the source code at developer@lge.com. Thank you.
Hi @user619. As you can see, narae0.kim was very unhelpful and kept giving canned responses to my specific questions. While I’ve put my work on LG TVs aside for now, I’ve had success on other manufacturers TV using this in my base HTML file.
<html lang="en" aria-hidden="true">
The aria-hidden="true" disabled the default behavior and allowed me to build out my aria implementation in a way that suited my product’s requirements. No guarantees for LG though. Let me know if that works for you.