webOSTV.js 1.2.7 getARCState failed

I found a problem in webOSTV.js 1.2.7 file.
When “getARCState failed” error seems webOS.deviceInfo runs twice.

[webOSTV.js] getSystemSettings(soundOutput) failed
index.js:93 C=3 ------- first run deviceinfo
index.js:97 sc
index.js:99 D=4
webOSTV.js:1 [webOSTV.js] soundOutput value is undefined
webOSTV.js:1 [webOSTV.js] getARCState failed
index.js:93 C=5 ----- second run deviceinfo
index.js:97 sc
index.js:99 D=6
webOSTV.js:1 [webOSTV.js] getARCState failed

Could you check it?


To check the issue, please share with us the following:

  • TV model name: (You can check this in the Settings > General > About This TV.)
  • TV software version:
  • webOS TV version: (This can be found when you click the TV model name in the About This TV menu.)
  • Region:

Hi again,
TV model name: 50UP8100PLA

  • TV software version: 03.34.70
  • webOS TV version: 6.3.2-426
  • Region: All region
    Sample code:

var connect=0;
var lguid=0;
var device_info=0;

function start(){
onSuccess: function (status) {
console.log(“Connection status…”+" Run:“+connect);
var connection = {
ipAddress: ‘’,
gateway: ‘’,
netmask: ‘’,
dns1: ‘’
onSuccess: function (res) {
console.log(“LGUDID”+ " Run:”+lguid);

	webOS.deviceInfo(function (device) {
			console.log("device infos"+ "  Run:"+device_info);

	    onFailure: function (res) {

onFailure: function (res) {
subscribe: true


Connection status… Run:1
index.js:21 LGUDID Run:1
index.js:25 device infos Run:1
index.js:25 device infos Run:2

I cant understand device info runs twice.
Some codes run in webOS.deviceInfo api in my app.

Note that There is no problem with other webOSTV.js files.

Sorry for the late reply. The reason why the callback is called twice is that the soundOutput value is undefined at first. It seems it takes a few more time to load. And we checked the sample code with our test TV but couldn’t reproduce the issue. If the problem persists, please email us the following at developer@lge.com:

  • Your sample app .ipk file
  • Steps to reproduce the issue
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Thanks @narae0.kim
I sent sample code and pictures .
You can check it.

We checked the .ipk with the same version of TV you tested, but the getARCState failed error was not reproduced. Are you getting the error with the simulator? If so, this is normal operation because the simulator does not support the getARCState.
+ As we said above, the reason why the callback is called twice is that the soundOutput value is undefined at first. This is also normal operation.

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Thank you for your support
I overcame this situation with setTimeout function