I am trying to create a video player app using FFmpeg library on webOS TV.
So, in the LG Seller Lounge 1:1 Q&A corner
I need to use C or C++ to use the FFmpeg library.
I asked if it was possible.
Then I got the following answer.
Basically, webOS TV apps are web-based. (See Discover webOS TV and Web API and Web Engine.)
It’s not much different from general web app development.
If you can run your app on a web browser like PC Chrome, you can also run it on the webOS TV.
If you want to use FFmpeg, you can use it on your server. But TV is a client. Bring the result to the front is up to you.
The content of the answer was that you cannot use native languages such as C or C++.
is this correct?
If you have experience creating apps using native languages (C, C++) on webOS TV, please respond.