Volume Manager raspberry

I am using the macbook simulator and raspberry to develop a web application.

I need to control the sound.
Switch between hdmi .

I am trying to call the following functions .

function volumeUp() {
  return webOS.service.request("luna://com.webos.audio", {
    method: "volumeUp",
    onComplete: function (inResponse) { })
      console.log('Volume increased by 1.');
      // Do something
    onFailure: function (inError) {
      console.log('Failed to increase volume by 1.')
      console.log('[' + inError.errorCode + ']: ' + inError.errorText);
      // Do something

function volumeDown() {
  return webOS.service.request('luna://com.webos.audio', {
    method: 'volumeDown',
    onComplete: function (inResponse) { } }
      console.log('Volume down by 1.');
      // Do something
    onFailure: function (inError) {
      console.log('Failed to turn the volume down by 1.')
      console.log('[' + inError.errorCode + ']: ' + inError.errorText);
      // Do something

function setMuted() {
  return webOS.service.request('luna://com.webos.audio', {
    method: 'setMuted',
    onComplete: function (inResponse) { } }
      console.log('Volume is muted');
      // do something
    onFailure: function (inError) {
      console.log('Unable to mute the sound.');
      console.log('[' + inError.errorCode + ']: ' + inError.errorText);
      // Do something

But they don’t work.
If you connect via ssh to raspberry . Then the command in the console works

luna-send -f -n 1 luna://com.webos.service.audio/media/setVolume '{"volume":1, "sessionId":0}'

This forum is only for webOS TV apps. Thank you.