CLI Installation

Hi, i have problems when i want to check if i had success in the installation.
When i execute the command that corresponds to the step 4, de cmd doesn’t find any directory.

Step 4
Verify the installation by executing the ares –V command. If the installation is successful, you will see the version of webOS TV CLI as a result.

$ ares -V
webOS TV CLI Version: 1.12.4-j27

instead of this its tells me ‘ares’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

The CLI directory must be located under the webOS_TV_SDK directory. Please check the example of environment variable LG_WEBOS_TV_SDK_HOME and file tree here. Thank you.

If you are on Windows 11 you may need to add to entry in your Path Environment variables point to your webOS_TV_SDK_CLI\bin

The installer didn’t set up an associated path environment variable for windows. I had to manually add it.

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